THE Best Cloud ERP System for Your Business in China

Finally, You Find THE SAAS ERP Solution that Matches the International Level of Usability and Operability in China



Lots of foreign businesses choose to implement local ERP systems for their China operation, due to the reasons such as limitations on budget or compliance to China statutory settings. During 2003 – 2015, I had more than 10 years experiences of implementing Chinese local ERP systems for foreign companies, which taught me repeated negative lessons about how impactful the smoothness and usability of product design would eventually be on the efficiency and productivity of client’s operation.

Expat managers are entitled to have ERP system of great usability to effectively manage and control their business in China. I suddenly felt a sense of mission, as simple as developing a good product, for those who used to be plagued by bad ones. Managers of SMEs from retailing, wholesaling or simple manufacturing industries can be relieved from the inefficiencies of their operation brought by the poor design and quality of the Chinese local ERP solutions.

Now, after 5 years of development efforts, Jeenie comes to SAAS ERP market, with exquisite design and powerful features. Frustrations of foreign business management can eventually be eliminated.


Features of Jeenie at a Glance

  • Purchase order, receive, purchase invoice and payment, credit notes and return to supplier, backorder.
  • Sale quotes and order, pick, pack, ship, sales invoice and collection, credit note and return from customers, reorder backorder. Multiple product price classes.
  • Batch and serial number management, multi warehouse locations and bins, Barcode, stock adjustments, stocktaking, Stock transfers, FIFO/FEFO inventory valuation.
  • Expense management, bank reconciliation, fixed assets, general ledger
  • Highly configurable reporting on inventory movement, stock on hand, cost analysis, goods received vs ordered, profit summary and much more.
  • Multi-currency, Chinese-English multi-lingual interface, configurable transaction printing layout templates, additional attributes to carry enriched information.


Comparison of project budget between Jeenie and the other two major China local ERP systems (Currency: RMB)
(For a typical accounting + supply chain management project)

Comparison item Jeenie Either one of the 2 major Chinese ERP systems
Software cost 15.6K annual subscription 50K – 100K permanent license
Billable implementation man.days 5-15 man.days 20+ man.days
Implementation cost (English speaking consultant) 25K – 75K 100K+
Ongoing updates & helpdesk Inclusive in subscription Around 10K


You don’t have to have an unreasonably high budget for implementation when the software is designed in a way that is intrinsically simple, intuitive and easy to use. What is more important is the ongoing cost of operations on the software by your staff, which is hidden and can potentially be enormous, if they are constantly coping with the difficulties and inefficiencies of a bad software instead of being enabled by a delicate one to smoothly carrying out their daily tasks.



Jeenie is a SAAS management applications company established by a group of financial advisors and software developers with extensive international business experiences. After compiling a comprehensive list of the needs and wishes of business owners and executives across multiple vertical sectors, we created a full-fledged, operatively efficient and affordable cloud ERP system that incorporates integrated accounting, supply chain management and simple manufacturing modules.